Tetra Tech is improving resource governance and property rights in the artisanal and small-scale mining sector.
Despite the peace accord signed in 2019, the Central African Republic (CAR) continues to face peace and security challenges because of the civil conflict that’s been ongoing since 2012. Illicit mineral supply chains in the country are financing armed militias and organized criminal groups, which are undermining human rights, adversely impacting the environment, and depriving the government of needed revenue from the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector.
- Expanded CAR’s annual revenue from legal diamond exports by 445 percent
- Expanded CAR’s annual revenue from gold exports by 429 percent
- 182 women artisanal miners and site owners trained on diamond valuation
- 120 women trained on sustainable mining techniques for artisanal miners
- 24 local peacebuilding committees established involving 168 local actors
Legal and responsible ASM supply chains have the potential to support economic development and stabilization efforts in CAR. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) funded the Artisanal Mining and Property Rights (AMPR) project built upon activities and lessons from the Property Rights and Artisanal Diamond Development (PRADD I and II) projects implemented by Tetra Tech from 2007-2018. Through AMPR, Tetra Tech worked closely with partners, including national and local government agencies, private sector actors, local non-governmental organizations, and local communities to improve land and resource governance and strengthen property rights, especially for women, by:
- Strengthening legal trade and supply chains for gold and other minerals
- Addressing cases of fraud in the diamond value chain and promoting the Kimberley Process Operational Framework
- Strengthening artisanal miners’ capacity for sustainable and safer mining practices
- Raising awareness of the legal requirements for mining operations
- Expanding local peace and reconciliation committees to support conflict resolution and peacebuilding
- Supporting women and mixed-gender groups to develop income-generating activities
Understanding the linkages between ASM and development issues within CAR was critical to optimize potential benefits of a formal supply chain and legal trade in gold and other minerals. Tetra Tech conducted a baseline assessment of gold production in CAR and launched an interactive online map of artisanal gold mining sites in the western part of the country to better understand the artisanal gold supply chain. Our team prepared briefs on gender issues in ASM and USAID activities and approaches in the ASM sector, as well as a report focused on the impact of critical minerals needed in the new Green Economy. Learn more about AMPR activities and impact.
Through Tetra Tech’s exceptional management efforts, the project was able to continue to produce high-quality deliverables and make significant progress despite a fuel crisis, a political crisis, and a humanitarian crisis (all within a single year).
USAID Contracting Officer Representative
At a glance
Contract value
U.S. Agency for International Development
Implementation period
Property rights, economic development, critical minerals, supply chain governance