Texas has one of the longest histories in energy efficiency in the country, having established long-term goals as part of its deregulation of the electricity market in 1999. Due to consistent customer demand increases, most IOUs are pursuing greater savings beyond the state target of 30 percent of demand growth. Statewide, Texas IOUs have more than 100 programs delivering energy efficiency, renewables, and demand response offerings to customers across numerous distribution channels.
- Led the EM&V of Texas IOU energy efficiency portfolios since 2013
- Developed and maintain the statewide Texas Technical Reference Manual (TRM), the centralized program savings document for all IOU programs’ savings calculations
- Analyze interval meter data to calculate actual savings and revise the TRM
- Created and update a statewide energy efficiency database across all IOUs to comprehensively analyze programs
In support of these programs, Tetra Tech uses meter data to calculate usage and identify areas to improve calculated savings going forward. We enter this information into an energy efficiency database for PUCT. Our EM&V recommendations have resulted in more accurate, transparent, and consistent savings calculations while also improving IOU program design, delivery, performance, and reporting. We work closely with IOUs to help them adapt to changing markets and increase cost savings through innovative technologies.
The state of Texas recognizes Tetra Tech with a consistent vendor grade of A for exemplary performance on this project.
Tetra Tech’s effective communication and collaboration skills, coupled with transparent and extensive research, have resulted in real changes that improve programs. We develop comprehensive action plans to help IOUs implement EM&V recommendations. Tetra Tech is committed to the continuous improvement of the EM&V process itself by refining processes, activities, and deliverables to maximize the value of the research, findings, and recommendations.